Subfolders and Links

  • Goal: Use Link of Link List to go to another app, but apps in subfolders don't appear in the choices

  • Steps:
    Add a link to an app.
    Add a Click event handler.
    Use Action "Go to app"
    Try to choose an app - no apps that are in subfolders appear

Just wondering if this is a bug or not, and what a workaround would be.

Well, today it is properly showing all the subfolder apps, so maybe something was fixed there was a cache/refresh issue.

Hi @BrianP, I'm glad to hear that you are now able to see all apps in the dropdown. If this happens again, you can also use a 'Run script' event handler with the utils.openApp() function:

To get the uuid, open the desired app and check the state for retoolContext. Copy the value of appUuid and add it to the event handler.

Thank you, that's very handy!

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