Small Settings Panel Bug

The <title> on the page doesn't seem to update when switching from another panel of the settings page to Advanced in particular. The others will consistently update, but then switching to Advanced it just has the title of the last page. If you then hard refresh the page, it will just say Settings | [user] rather than Advanced | [user] as expected.

Affected page: https://[user]
Tested browser: Safari

Hello @explore!

Interesting find, by title you are talking about the browser URL correct?

I tried testing this out in safari but it seemed to correctly change the URL to https://[user] :thinking:

I was not able to get Settings | [user] to appear when hard refreshing the advanced page in settings either.

If you could share a screen recording of the behavior that would be really helpful!

Hi @Jack_T, I've sent you a personal message with a link to a screen recording of the issue. It should be clearer then.

Thank you for sending the video!

Was able to reproduce. Pretty minor so I can't confirm that our eng team will prioritize it but I am definitely curious as to why that behavior occurs.

It seems to be scoped to when there are multiple tabs in the Safari browser that the tabs have that short hand description appear.