Set Default Currency Code

Hi All,

I am currently based in the UK and have been using Retool for most of our financial reporting, the sales values are all stored in our DB as normal numbers so I have to convert them into currency from the table component and every time I have to change the currency code from US Dollar to GBP - it's quite a tedious process to do for every single sales value.

Is there any way that we can set a default currency code for all the apps?

Kind regards

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You should be able to set the entire column to your desired currency with the currency code selection in your table's column settings!

We'll reach out if we're able to ship global currency settings :slightly_smiling_face: Moving to feature requests for now

is there a way to ensure that the currency code isn't displayed at all for all users?

Hi @Brad_Caldon,

We recently launched currency display options to Cloud (should make it to on-prem soon!):

Hi @Tess thank you,

I did see that, however in the statistic components is there a way to remove it?


Can you solve your use case by adding a prefix text with either $ or {{" "}}?

Thank you @Tess that will work.