Selected Points is not populated after clicking a line chart

  • Goal: Send a user to a table containing the data of a line chart (drill down) when clicking on it.

  • Steps:

  1. Create a Line Chart
  2. Create a Script that runs on Select and console.log the `chart.selectedPoints``
  3. Selected points will print empty (or see them on state) when clicking a point on the Line Chart.
  • Details:

  • Using Charts V2, Line Chart.

  • Data is populating from a simple SQL query.

  • Screenshots:


Hello @victorct_69152, welcome to the Retool Community!

Here’s your solution: Use the onPointClick event handler. This event directly provides the data of the clicked point, making it an ideal choice for implementing drill-down actions.


There is no such thing as onPointClick event handler in the actions dropdown

Hello @victorct_69152

Apologies for the confusion earlier regarding the onPointClick event handler. I have found that using lineChart.series works perfectly. Below is a JavaScript query that I created

let formattedData = Object.values(lineChart1.series).map((series) => {
  return, pointIndex) => ({
    indices: [pointIndex],
    x: x,                          
    y: series.yData[pointIndex],  
    value: series.yData[pointIndex] 

return formattedData;

This query, when triggered in the line chart event handler, works as expected and produces the desired result.

Thank You.


Hi there,

I will report this bug to our team for a fix :pray:

In case it relates to this use case, I wanted to add that we also have a feature request on file to add a utility function for setting selected points

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