[Rich Text Editor] Table management, colouring

It looks like the rich text editor has no capability to add/edit tables, and even if the underlying HTML supplies <table><tr><td>...</td></tr></table> tags, it does not render as a table in the editor?
This would include the ability to add bgcolor to cells, among possibly other features.
(Hacker question: is the widget that Retool uses for RT editing open source somewhere? Then anyone could investigate how to improve it.
Also, as a side note, it doesn’t appear to be listed under https://retool.com/components.)


Bumping this back, it would be great to have html table supported in the rich text editor.

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Is there any updates on this?

Hi there,

Thanks for checking in!

Our rich text editor, powered by Quill js, is now documented here. This component hasn't been significantly updated recently, and we have several outstanding feature requests for updating it & adding more features. I'll post here if we are able to prioritize upgrading this component, but for the time being, if you need to add more complex options, like tables, I'd recommend spinning up your own custom component.