"Rich Text Editor" - Icons bold, italic, etc. don't work correctly

The "Rich Text Editor" component seems to be very buggy and therefore troublesome to use for user. For example, I noticed that once I enable the bold icon, I can't disable it anymore. Also, once I select a bold text, and try to "unbold" it by clicking on the bold icon, sometimes it works, sometimes not, for no apparent reason.

See also this example video here (Retool version 2.100.7):

Hey @Reboon! Would you mind sharing a screen recording of this happening? And what browser are you using? Does this still happen in Incognito? I can't seem to reproduce the issue just yet.

Hi @victoria

Video: I did add a video in my initial post, if you click on the link it should play:

Browser: The problem appears in Google Chrome Version 106.0.5249.119 (Official Build) (64-bit) but also in MS Edge Version 106.0.1370.52 (Official build) (64-bit). Also when using Incognito.

Ah, perfect, thank you! Sorry I missed that the first time :sweat_smile:

This seems like a race condition issue, and I've been able to reproduce in Preview mode (works okay in Edit mode). I created a bug report for our eng team to take a look at this, and will keep you updated!