Retool Form - Store Parsed CSV

The goal is to stored the parsed data of a CSV uploaded to a Retool Form in a connected Retool Database table, untitled4.

I built a Retool Form that allows a CSV to be uploaded. The CSV is being uploaded to a 'file dropzone' titled port_away_multiple_number, and 'Parse files' is enabled.

How I can store the parsed value of the CSV in the untitled4 database table?

Example of parsed data;

[ { "Number": "6088434799" }, { "Number": "2623088449" }, { "Number": "6088430782" } ]

Side note - I can't rename the database table as a result of this bug.

Thank you!

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Hi @NHender,

Good question! It's a bit tricky to set up. I would configure a workflow to trigger on submit of your form. It looks like the workflow parameter is the data input, so I would have a Retool Database block that uses Javascript to parse the data input.

Here's an example of a Workflow insert block for a form with a fileDropzone with a "Single file" Selection type

Let me know how it goes!