Retool Database down

It appears that the Retool database is down.

Accessing the database via the 'Resources' page doesn't work (redirected back to the resources page), and running a query to the database returns the error 'Console request failed'.

Any information about this? Thanks

EDIT: Looks like we're up and running again :slight_smile:

Hey, thanks for reporting this!

Our 3rd party provider for RetoolDB was making changes to the database infrastructure, there were issues with establishing new connections between 9:56 UTC and 10:15 UTC. Everything should now be resolved, but we've raised an incident regardless and will be reviewing these update processes and alerting so that this doesn't happen again. Most of the failures were within <10 min timeframe

I'll close this for the time being, but please let us know if you're still seeing issues and it'll re-open automatically in my inbox and we'll take another look!

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