Popup code editor moves cursor while typing

the bug seems to be back and more annoying than before :sob:. It no longer moves the cursor up and down (yay), it only moves left and right and usually only a couple spaces.... thats the good and not confusing news cause I've also noticed things like:

while typing:

  • sometimes it will delete the last typed char then move the cursor forward 1 space
  • sometimes it moves the cursor back 1 space, deletes 1 or both chars before and after the cursor, then move the cursor forward 1-2 spaces.

while using backspace:

  • it will sometimes replace the last deleted char to the right of the cursor

while typing after using backspace:

  • it will delete a char to the left of the cursor then replace one of the last chars not auto-deleted to the right of the cursor
  • it can also do the things listed under 'while typing'

I tried my best to find all the cases and get the order of what it does correct, but it seems so random it's hard to duplicate a result. Hopefully I haven't missed too many possibilities.

when it moves the cursor, it will always delete something and it only sometimes will also replace a deleted char. it doesn't seem to always place this char to the right of the cursor, as it will occasionally put something to the left of it but I haven't noticed a pattern when it happens yet :man_shrugging:

i'm in the code editor for an onChange event of a CheckboxGroup (run script action) in a Module using Retool Cloud in Chrome

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