Popup code editor moves cursor while typing

I'm still getting this issue also. I concur that it might be related to the code helper.

The cursor jumps to the start of the code whether it is in the code pop out window or just the regular script edit pane. btw @francis12 could we make that pane adjustable in width?

My app only has about 300 components, mostly tables in tabbed containers or modals containing forms (about 20 of them), so I don't think it's overloading the system.

Here's hoping they can track it down.

if it makes you feel any better, I just noticed the code popup for Custom Components doesn't seem to have this bug. hopefully a fix is just around the corner

Hi everyone, just wanted to provide an update that we are nearing the completion of a fix and anticipate a fix release next week. Stay tuned for an update next week!

That's great news. Spent this afternoon writing my code in sublime text editor and pasting it back into retool because it's just too painful trying to write in inline

Also noted today that the behaviour of this quirk changes depending on how I've formatted the codr block in the editor window or in the component panel.
eg trying to type in the or statement into this code block, including the || operator makes the cursor jump
{{myvar.value === false || }}
but if the code has a leading space after the curly braces it doesn't seem to complain and lets my type
{{ myvar.value === false || myothervar.value === false }}

might be nothing

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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that we have landed a fix and it will be available in Retool cloud version 3.30! This will likely be released on Wednesday. I'll send another update in this thread when 3.30 is released.

Let me know if you have any questions, let me know!



Hey All, just following up - this issue should be fixed. If you see this happen again please let us know.



sorry, but the problem persists in the self-hosted version 3.26.6.

That really gets us down :frowning:

If it helps: We use Chrome browser on a Windows 10 machine with a german layout keyboard.


Hi @Hendrik I checked in with the team & the fix will ship to self hosted in v3.30, which is scheduled to come out the week of Feb 5th.

the bug seems to be back and more annoying than before :sob:. It no longer moves the cursor up and down (yay), it only moves left and right and usually only a couple spaces.... thats the good and not confusing news cause I've also noticed things like:

while typing:

  • sometimes it will delete the last typed char then move the cursor forward 1 space
  • sometimes it moves the cursor back 1 space, deletes 1 or both chars before and after the cursor, then move the cursor forward 1-2 spaces.

while using backspace:

  • it will sometimes replace the last deleted char to the right of the cursor

while typing after using backspace:

  • it will delete a char to the left of the cursor then replace one of the last chars not auto-deleted to the right of the cursor
  • it can also do the things listed under 'while typing'

I tried my best to find all the cases and get the order of what it does correct, but it seems so random it's hard to duplicate a result. Hopefully I haven't missed too many possibilities.

when it moves the cursor, it will always delete something and it only sometimes will also replace a deleted char. it doesn't seem to always place this char to the right of the cursor, as it will occasionally put something to the left of it but I haven't noticed a pattern when it happens yet :man_shrugging:

i'm in the code editor for an onChange event of a CheckboxGroup (run script action) in a Module using Retool Cloud in Chrome

Iv seen all these things too! Its very ouchy! I'm back to rarely using the editor and trying to put everything into is queries.

Thank you both! Sorry to hear it's back :disappointed: I haven't been able to reproduce it consistently yet, but that seems to be the nature of the issue :thinking: I have reached out to our team & will keep you posted