This bug regularly drives me close to insanity yet I have not been able to find anyone else with this bug. Incidentally I did try multiple searches today to try and find someone else with this bug and after about 10 searches, the forum search decided I had tried to perform that action too many times. So, if this is a duplicate, not my fault.
This bug is when writing code, usually when creating your own script.
While I type, something in the background changes the code, deletes a character I just typed or moves the cursor somewhere else in the script.
I think it's probably some delayed intellisense but sometimes it's so bad that it takes me minutes to write something I should be able to write in seconds, its infuriating, literally to the point that I decide that I can't work with Retool that day.
Has anyone else experienced this? If you have, please +1 as I'm sure I've raised this over a year ago and it's not improved at all.