No retool DB connection details shown

Hi! My issue is that I can't see the connection details to my retool db.

  • I am an admin
  • I go to Resources -> retool database -> settings
  • The connection details are not here, only what Type of connection I have
    I've seen other posts about this and apparently it's something that the retool team can manage.
    Thanks in advance!
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Hi @Mr.Bates, happy to help! :slightly_smiling_face:
Please send me a DM with your domain so I can check internally.

Hi @Paulo !
Thanks a lot for your reply! I don't seem to find a way to DM you :confused:

I just sent a DM to you. Click on your avatar and then the mail icon to find it.

This issue was fixed internally. If anyone else runs into this please reach out to me over DM or email

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