Option to connect to Retool DB externally is not visible

I would like to connect to Retool DB externally but I cannot see the option that is suggested in the docs.

I saw a similar thread where some accounts were not yet enabled. How do we request this? We have a Business Plan

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Hey @TomAtkinson,

Tagging a couple of retool members to give visibility to your request. Can you share with them your domain if it is not matching with the email yo uhave in the forum?

@AbbeyHernandez, @Paulo

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Hi @TomAtkinson,

Can you share the screenshot, if possible?


Hi @TomAtkinson, I found your org internally. I'll follow up over DM in order to protect your privacy and help you with this issue. :slightly_smiling_face:


If anyone else runs into this issue please reach out to support@retool.com or feel free to DM me directly—I’d be happy to help.