New Launch: Visual Refresh of Component Library

Hi all! You might have seen the beta launch post a couple weeks ago, but we are excited to officially launch the visual refresh of the component library! This will be for cloud customers only for now, and changes will roll out in the next few days. These will mostly be small style changes, and pre-existing style overrides will still be upheld.

Below are screenshots of before/after visual refresh, but some primary changes are:

  • Utilizing a slightly different color palette
  • Changing the active and hover state appearance for buttons and inputs
  • Removing borders on input attachments and buttons
  • Fixing inconsistencies with component spacing, font weight, border radius, etc.
  • Tab and Navigation components have a different look now!

Happy building!
– Brenna




When for self host? :frowning:

@agaitan026 we'll have it available for on-prem/self-host in a couple weeks!


this was rollback? i saw now old colors on cloud. @brenna.chen @victoria

@agaitan026 Visual refresh was gone for a little bit but it should be back up now! Sorry for the confusion and thanks for noting it :slight_smile:

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Great! Thank you