New bug with routing to Multipage apps in 3.116.0

Hi folks – looks like a new bug cropped up for us with Multipage (without any changes on our end, leading me to believe it was related to a cloud deploy today).

URL parameters are no longer being passed along with "Go to app" actions. Here's an example:

This navigates to the right page, but doesn't include the id parameter, so everything breaks. Happy to demo live if helpful, but this is a really rough bug for us - we have lots of these across our apps :frowning:

I will take a look at this right now!

Thank you!

Alright, I pushed a fix for this and it should deploy sometime next weekβ€”sorry for the inconvenience!

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Much appreciated, thank you!

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Actually, this fix should now be live! Please LMK if there are more issues

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Thank you @Isabella_Borkovic ! That particular issue seems fixed, although we're seeing another now (unsure if related, but would really appreciate looking into it regardless).

Now, after we navigate via "Go to app" with the URL param successfully passing through, hitting another link on the new page to again "Go to app" (which routes to another multipage app) shows this:

This one may be easier to explain/debug live. Happy to share, just don't want to post our content publicly here.

Thank you!

I sent you a message!