Custom URL is breaking url parameters


I'm having an issue using custom urls. I've got one app which links to another using the "Go to App" action. In the action I specify query params.
When I'm in edit mode it works. I find that when I click the button that triggers the action, I'm linked to the edit mode of the destination app. The query parameter is specified.

However, when I use the deployed version of the app as an end user, I see that the user is initially directed to the non-custom url of the app with the query parameter. It seems there is then a redirect to the custom app url, but the query parameter is dropped.

This seems to be a bug to me. But would love any pointers if I'm doing something wrong.


Hey Eli, sorry you are running into this -- that's definitely a bug! The team has been able to reproduce the issue and is working on a fix. I'll let you know when fix it!

Hey Eli, wanted to let you know that our fix for this bug has been merged and deployed! :pray:

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