Multiselect component bug

Hello, i'm getting this error in a multiselect component and i think this is why i cant filter with "is one of" in my table component


Also cannot filter tags

Without any filter:

Filtering tags only works with values as Strings


Hi @Oscar_Ortega Currently, you can only filter based on the value, rather than the label :disappointed: This is something we plan to fix, but I'm not sure what the timeline is. I'll reach out here once we've shipped the option to filter based on the label

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Hello i mean that tags with integers values cannot be filtered

but it works when value is a string

i think this is more clear

multiselect and tag mapped options are

source: {{ jsonEditor2.value }}
value: {{ item.value }}
label: {{ item.value }}

Interesting :thinking: this does seem a bit buggy. What if you try this:

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Yeah, it works very well :+1:, just wanted to point out that it not work with integers, i came across this because one of my db columns were integers as IDs, had to replace them to strings.
Thank you

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Yeah definitely looks like a bug, so thank you for flagging!