More space to edit code for "Edit script"


When editing a script, we have this small real-estate to enter the code for the script:

As you can see, the editing area is very limited. We now copy the code to an editor, than paste it back in the edit box in Retool.

Is there a more elegant way of doing this?




Yes please!

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Great feedback, thank you! We should at least have a code pop-out here:

I've shared this feedback internally & will follow up if I hear any updates :blush:


This is a bug! There used to be one. This isn't a matter of, should improve. It's a matter of, it was good, something changed, and now it's not good. It's weird I have no retool feedback on my bug post which was posted immediately after this lack of pop out ability occurred.

Hi @Shawn_Crocker I hadn't seen your post yet, but taking a look now- thanks for flagging!

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