Loading Tab in Background


Does anyone know if there's a way to get a Retool app to load in the background when opened in a new tab? It seems that Retool is doing something to prevent the app from loading when that tab is not active.

I've tried this on multiple browsers but the background tabs will never load.


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Hi again,

Can anyone from Retool help me out with this?


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I would like to have an answer to this as well

Hey Andrea, if you upgrade to Runtime v2, tabs load in the background!


@dzear is this question centered around browser tabs? So if you open a retool page in a new Chrome tab, the app only loads when the tab is open?

How do you upgrade the app to runtime v2? The docs aren't super clear since I'm not sure what the status bar is:

During the rollout, you'll be given the choice to opt-in to the new runtime. You can also toggle between the current and new runtimes using the status bar at the bottom of the App editor

Hi @tlaredo I believe this is about browser tabs. Are you using the Cloud hosted or self hosted version of Retool?

If you're on Cloud, the runtime can be found in the bottom left corner of the editor:

I would also like to know how to do this. When I ctrl + click a link, it opens in a new tab and pulls the focus. I want to be able to click multiple links and have the tabs open up in the background. I see that this discussion appears to have died, but I think this is a useful feature. For context, I am using the IDE v3 latest version.

Hi there! We'll add your +1 to the feature request and add your specific use case :slightly_smiling_face:

Has this gained any traction within the Retool product ranks? We developed a new application for our sales floor in retool (who loves ctrl+clicking and opening multiple tabs at a time) which are completely hampered by this. In fact, the retool rollout with the current behavior has made our newly developed experience many times slower than the current stand-alone implementation which our developers maintain.

@Compy I actually just got an update that this is fixed on v3.22+ :tada:

What version of Retool are you using?