Open link in new tab on Windows

We have a retool application as the administrative area for our OPS team. We have a Navigation component in the sidebar with a bunch of different sections with links to individual retool apps.

On macOS, you can Command+Click on a link to force that link to open in a new tab, and that works in retool as well as other sites.

But on Windows, which most of our operations team uses, Ctrl+Click doesn't work. It works on other sites, but not in retool. We found out that Windows+Click works, but it opens the Windows start menu, which is not ideal.

So our OPS team really wanted Ctrl+Click to work. Is there any workaround for this?

Hi @leonid.semenov,

Can you share how you've created the links? If the "link" is part of an event handler, and you set it to "Go to URL", you should be able to achieve what you want with the "Open in new tab" checkbox, then you don't have to worry about holding down control.


Hi there! And thanks for swift reply.

Unfortunately, that's not exactly the thing I've been looking for.

  1. I'm using Navigation component and there is no option to allow the link to be open in a new tabs

  2. I have to retain possibility to open link in current tab, but allow it to be opened in a new one.

On default anchor element that can be achieved by right-clicking and selecting ‘Open in a new tab’ in context menu.
That's not working at retool.

Or by using keyboard modifier, it's cmd(⌘)+click on a Mac, and ctrl+click on Windows.
And that's partly working on retool. On a Mac everything's fine, but on a Windows ctrl+click does not.

Hi @leonid.semenov,

This is a bug report in our backlog :disappointed: We haven't been able to prioritize it yet, but I'll add your +1 for the time being.

I'll post here if the bug report gets picked up by our team

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Any news on this issue? :heavy_plus_sign:

Still nothing I guess, the bug is still here

Thanks for your +1s! Unfortunately, this bug is still in our backlog