As mentioned in the closed post, just putting € instead of $ infront doesnt work @Tess
Hello @Jesse_Klotz ,
Welcome to Retool Community,
First, please check the Retool Library to verify if the D3.js library is loaded. If it is not, you can load the D3.js library using the following link:
Once the library is successfully loaded, update your JavaScript query
const locale = d3.formatLocale({
decimal: ".",
thousands: ",",
grouping: [3],
currency: ["€", ""]
// Create a format function using the custom locale
const formatCurrency = locale.format("$.2f");
const formattedValue = formatCurrency(1234567.89); // Example value
return formattedValue;
Thanks so much, @WidleStudioLLP!
What I was actually referring to are the new native D3 charts where we can also use the D3 format. As far as I know, there’s no way to access D3 directly or set a locale, right?
Hello @Jesse_Klotz
You're correct In Retool's native D3 charts, direct manipulation of D3's d3.formatLocale or access to D3 methods for locale modification is not supported. As a result, configuring currency formats using d3.formatLocale within these chart components is not feasible