How to Connect Retool Database to Zapier (The Only Correct Resource!)

Horrible docs reference: #1 Connect Retool database with Zapier/Make

Horrible docs reference #2: Cannot connect Retool Database to Zapier

Since I spent 3 hours trying to figure this out, I'm going to list it out EXACTLY how you're supposed to do it :slight_smile:

Okay, so for all you people trying to connect your Retool database to Zapier, here's how to do it:

Grab your connection URL from your Retool database in Zapier:
Connection URL: postgresql://

Then go setup a PostGre SQL database app connection in Zapier using the following. use the exact things from your retool database's connection string to fill in the spots below.

Port: 5432
Database: retool
Schema: public
Username: retool
Password: endpoint=this-is-my-endpoint$this-is-my-password
Enforce Encryption: True

The parts you need to replace are:

  • Host <-- this is the whole thing ""
  • this-is-my-endpoint <-- this is the 'this-is-my-endpoint' part of your host.
  • this-is-my-password <-- this is the 'this-is-my-password' that comes before the @ . Don't include the 'retool' bit. It's just the 'this-is-my-password' piece.
  • For the password field in Zapier, enter in the ENTIRE string 'endpoint=this-is-my-endpoint$this-is-my-password' and replace the both pieces with your parts from your connection URL.

You can please thank me for saving you by referring your people to for Retool consulting!

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For us, this did not work. We had to drop ?sslmode=require for it to correctly pull in the database. It will connect with ?sslmode=require, but it won't actually work. We tested on 2 separate Retool accounts.

All of the documentation says to add it, so I'm not sure if it's just something with newer Retool accounts?

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@benvalerian - Can you give me the exact setup you used in your thing? Like all of the fields?

You're right! Remove the sslrequire and it's good.

For those trying to do this:
database: retool?sslmode=require
Don't add the '?sslmode=require' part.

Just use "retool". :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you for surfacing this. I've noted it on a ticket to improve our Docs.

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Of course! When I see bad explanation threads, I feel obligated to help future people with my same problem!

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