Retool does not want to connect to PosgreSQL database on Amazon RDS

Hello everyone! Could someone please tell me how to solve this problem? Retool does not want to connect to PosgreSQL database on Amazon RDS.

1.. IAM Credentials was configured and it didn't help.
2. By default, the connection to the base is open to all IPs. Edit inbound connection and adding Retool IPs didn't help either.

Does anyone understand how to contact Retool support? Request in the mail asked to write here on the forum, and here ignored. In Discord ignored.

I decided to test the connection in Appsmith and Superblocks. Everything worked right away. Retool team are you okay in there?

Hi @ohmyboroda, welcome to the forum! :wave:

Retool does not currently provide live support outside of Office Hours. As a community, we do our best to help our members as soon as possible. But as you've experienced, it takes a few days for the Retool team to get to most questions. As you navigate our forum, you’ll often find that many issues are resolved by other community members before our team even gets to see them, showcasing the strong collaboration we’ve built together. However, issues that few or no users have encountered before naturally receive less participation from others.

Let's find a way to connect to your resource.

First of all, are you on Self-hosted Retool or Cloud? If Self-hosted, what version? Similarly, what engine version are you using for the PostgreSQL database on Amazon RDS?

First of all, are you on Self-hosted Retool or Cloud?


If Self-hosted, what version?


Similarly, what engine version are you using for the PostgreSQL database on Amazon RDS?

DBMS: PostgreSQL (ver. 15.5)
Case sensitivity: plain=lower, delimited=exact
Driver: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver (ver. 42.6.0, JDBC4.2)

@Paulo i found what the problem was. I decided to check why Appsmith and Superblocks were connecting without problems, but Retool was having trouble. It turned out that they simply had SSL enabled by default.

Example Appsmith

And at Retool it is necessary to switch it on separately and requiring to add files for some reason, which confused me, as we have not done it in other cases at any time.

Ended up just selecting Full verification and it was successful. I think you should pay attention to this in the guides, as your solution didn't work even with a direct AWS IAM import.

Happy to hear you were able to figure it out!
Thank you for your feedback and for sharing the above, it will help other users who run into a similar issue. :slightly_smiling_face: