Cannot connect Retool Database to Zapier

We have tried following the instructions here: Connect Retool database with Zapier/Make and here: Connection errors - Neon Docs

We are passing the endpoint in the password field, but Zapier keeps returning this error:

authentication failed: Could not connect with (insert our string username) and provided password. The response we got from the server is included below for debugging purposes. (psycopg2.OperationalError) ERROR: password authentication failed for user 'insert our string username' (Background on this error at: Error Messages — SQLAlchemy 1.4 Documentation)

Has anyone else connected to Zapier recently? We just had support migrate our database as we were missing the connection tab a few days ago. We also tried resetting the password for the connection string, but that didn't help.

Here's how we're entering the details to Zapier (replacing our info with "string"):

Port: 5432
Database: string?sslmode=require
Schema: public
Username: string
Password: endpoint=$ (we've also tried formatting this with ; instead of $ and [] instead of <>.
Enforce Encryption: true (though Zapier says it doesn't matter)

Thanks for any help or tips!

Without using the string ?sslmode=require I get this error:

authentication failed: Could not connect with retool and provided password. The response we got from the server is included below for debugging purposes. (psycopg2.OperationalError) ERROR: password authentication failed for user 'string' ERROR: connection is insecure (try using sslmode=require) (Background on this error at: Error Messages — SQLAlchemy 1.4 Documentation)

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Setting this up again on my end, will let you know ASAP

Can you share the syntax you used for the password field? Feel free to change the endpoint and password.

I used: endpoint=[ep-something-something-something]$[password]

can you try without the []around the endpoint and password

That worked! Thank you so much!

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