How to add select all in custom column tags

I have table and custom column with tags type, in each row how can i add select all option or is there any way around to select all items in this list, thank you:

Hey @feruz111,

I can't think of any way of accessing the column's values and selecting them. There are no Methods for interacting wiht a table in a way that you apply edits that are visible on the front end.

However, you could set up a row action, something called "assign all Workspaces" and you could build a bulkUpdate array by using the and grabbing all your workspaces from your query to create the data as you need it and make a post request.

Hey @feruz111 ,
You can use Tags instead of Tag , in which you can multi-select the tag value in particular column.

But make sure that, in database , data type will be array type

i am using Tags, the thing is would be great to have some way or option to select all

In retool table, we don't have any feature of select all checkbox in Tags but if you want this you can design your own table by custom component.

@MiguelOrtiz working with action on row sounds good, however what if you select multiple rows and want to make only 1 row select all options?

Your can pass an additional scope to your query using currentSourceRow, something like this:

Your row event triggers a query, you pass the id of the row that is clicked, and then your javascript can prepare the array for the update via primary key.

i don't seem to have it

You need to create the query first and add the additinoal scope, you can choose whatever name you prefer.

ok got it thanks

@MiguelOrtiz @ZeroCodez just as a general note, once there is no feature to select all in tags type in table columns, can we submit a feature request or something like that for future developers to make it easier for everyone?

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Hey @feruz111,

Yes, you can createa new ticket with Feature Request cateogry and put a link to this thread. Then users can give their +1s and retool team would consider it in their product roadmap.

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