Hiding text labels in scatterplot for neighboring observations

  • Goal: I want to have a scatterplot with 2 axis, both having numeric values. I am showing the entities in the plot, which have a label called entity_name. This entity_name is shown, as well as the marker. I am using the plotly JSON, since this is an advanced usecase that is not possible with the UI form. -->

Here is a screenshot of what the plot looks like now:

As you can see, once there are maybe observations, some of the entity_types become unreadable, so I would like to hide those. I have hovering enabled anyway, so the user could get information about those observations. But I still want to show the text for observations where it is possible.

Here is the data part for the plotly JSON that builds the chart.

      "name": "Scatter Plot",
      "x": {{ all_data.data[select1.value].map(Number) }},
      "y": {{ all_data.data[select2.value].map(Number) }},
      "type": "scatter",
      "mode": "markers",
      "hovertemplate": "<br>%{text}",
      "transforms": [
          "type": "groupby",
          "groups": {{all_data.data['entity_type']}},
          "styles": [
              "target": "{{_.uniq(all_data.data['league_name'])[0]}}",
              "value": {
                "marker": {
                  "color": "#8B0000"
              "target": "{{_.uniq(all_data.data['league_name'])[1]}}",
              "value": {
                "marker": {
                  "color": "#FFD700"
                "target": "{{_.uniq(all_data.data['league_name'])[0]}}",
                "value": {
                  "marker": {
                    "color": "#00008B"
            // Add more styles for additional unique league names if needed
      "text": {{ all_data.data['entity_type'] }},
      "marker": {
        "color": "green",
        "size": 9
      "type": "scatter",
      "x": {{ all_data.data[select1.value].map(Number) }},
      "y": {{ all_data.data[select2.value].map(Number) }},
      "mode": "text",
      "text": {{ all_data.data['entity_type'] }},
      "textposition": "bottom center",
      "textfont": {
        "size": 15,
        "color": "black"
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@jean1 this is interesting and similar to how something like a Maps app would hide labels depending on the zoom level and density of labels... personally i would just manually do an array for which ones to hide in the transforms, calculated by you manually based on text size and some trial and error. not elegant but you could basically have two different datasets: one with labels, one without.

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You could write some Javascript that checks if there will be points nearby, and if so, return null in the text array, otherwise, return the label