- Goal: I want to have a scatterplot with 2 axis, both having numeric values. I am showing the entities in the plot, which have a label called entity_name. This entity_name is shown, as well as the marker. I am using the plotly JSON, since this is an advanced usecase that is not possible with the UI form. -->
Here is a screenshot of what the plot looks like now:
As you can see, once there are maybe observations, some of the entity_types become unreadable, so I would like to hide those. I have hovering enabled anyway, so the user could get information about those observations. But I still want to show the text for observations where it is possible.
Here is the data part for the plotly JSON that builds the chart.
"name": "Scatter Plot",
"x": {{ all_data.data[select1.value].map(Number) }},
"y": {{ all_data.data[select2.value].map(Number) }},
"type": "scatter",
"mode": "markers",
"hovertemplate": "<br>%{text}",
"transforms": [
"type": "groupby",
"groups": {{all_data.data['entity_type']}},
"styles": [
"target": "{{_.uniq(all_data.data['league_name'])[0]}}",
"value": {
"marker": {
"color": "#8B0000"
"target": "{{_.uniq(all_data.data['league_name'])[1]}}",
"value": {
"marker": {
"color": "#FFD700"
"target": "{{_.uniq(all_data.data['league_name'])[0]}}",
"value": {
"marker": {
"color": "#00008B"
// Add more styles for additional unique league names if needed
"text": {{ all_data.data['entity_type'] }},
"marker": {
"color": "green",
"size": 9
"type": "scatter",
"x": {{ all_data.data[select1.value].map(Number) }},
"y": {{ all_data.data[select2.value].map(Number) }},
"mode": "text",
"text": {{ all_data.data['entity_type'] }},
"textposition": "bottom center",
"textfont": {
"size": 15,
"color": "black"