- Goal: I have a table that I have mapped to retool db dataset and when I try to "save" changes to the edited data in the table I get the error
"update "rap_threats_xref" set "6" = $1 where "id" = $2 returning * - column "6" of relation "rap_threats_xref" does not exist" (see attached screenshot)
when I preview the query it works (see attached screenshot) and I have validated that the columns exist. maybe I'm not using the table.changesetobject correctly. I just can't make this work!
Any ideas?
HI there @Matthew_Rankin, and welcome to the forum!
You're almost there, and I think the easiest way of achieving the update you're trying to do is:
Bulk update via primary key
This is my preferred way. You can use bulk update via primary key, see here .
Change to action type "Bulk update via primary key", select your table and primary key, and then add {{threats_table.changesetArray}}
Let me know if for some reason you need to use changesetObject (which I rarely use but your case may actually need it)
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