Getting error: There was an error trying to retrieve some metadata

I was getting this error on all queries on all apps:

There was an error trying to retrieve some metadata.
For some resources, like Google sheets, this is optional, 
but some behavior may not work as expected.

Turns out the Azure free trial was over so my Azure SQL database was locked. Paid the piper and all is back up and working.

Thought I'd post that here in case anyone else gets the error. Check your database connection.


Thank you for letting us know Bradly - appreciate you sharing this with the community!

getting this error now as well. it started right after a did a GCP machine resizing, which spit out a new host IP. even after updating the resource with the new host, the error hung until i refreshed the page.

Hi How are you?
I got same error in Firebase resource connection.
There was an error trying to retrieve some metadata. For some resources, like Google Sheets, this is optional, but some behavior may not work as expected.
How should I solve this problem?

Hi How are you?
I got same error in Firebase resource connection.
There was an error trying to retrieve some metadata. For some resources, like Google Sheets, this is optional, but some behavior may not work as expected.
How should I solve this problem?
I want help of Retool team.

I am also getting a Firebase resource connection issue like @Petro_Havryliuk .

It's strange b/c this Retool app/script is a duplicate of another one of our Retool apps/script. Virtually nothing has changed, but this one gets the There was an error trying to retrieve some metadata. For some resources, like Google Sheets, this is optional, but some behavior may not work as expected. error.

Seems that Firebase Auth works (able to retrieve user info), but any real-time DB calls are having issues (Set data, Query database actions have responses that timeout).

I also checked the Service Account and confirmed it has Firebase Admin as its role.

Thanks for your message.
I will check role.
If I have any question, I will ask you anytime.
Thanks again.
Best regards.

Sorry for bother you.
so did you solve this issue?
Thank you

Still have this issue. The Retool Firebase resource that our Retool app is connected to does indeed have a service account w/ the proper permission (Firebase Admin), but it seems that only Firebase Auth works. Realtime DB calls time out.

Thanks for your support.
I think it's because of the role.
anyway thanks.

Found the issue. I had entered the wrong Firebase database URL in the Retool resource (Firebase changed their RTDB naming convention awhile ago it looks like). Even though the DB connection worked when clicking 'Test' in Retool, perhaps it just tested connecting to Firebase Auth, which showed success.

Thanks for your reply. :+1:
Sounds great!
then please explain the solution.

For anyone else who may have come across this error:

In my case, it ended up being a bad connection for SMTP server. We had automatic emails set up, but our org changed some settings, and it could no longer log in from the ReTool side.

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Thank you for taking the time to share that, @Tashina_Taylor!

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