Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is not a child of this node

Hi everyone.

I noticed sometimes the component "select" give us this error when I write or write fast and "enter", anyone had this problem?



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I'm experiencing the same intermitent issue but in the retool new table. Is there any workaround for this issue?

Hey @amilcarSanchez, do you happen to be using Chrome's translate feature? That has been the most common cause of this error, but it could also be caused by other DOM manipulating tools when using the Retool web app.

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Hi @joeBumbaca. This is happening to one of our users, so I need to recollect more information. However. Is the retool team working on a fix for this issue? Could you elaborate more about this 'could also be caused by other DOM manipulating tools when using the Retool web app.' Thank you!

Sure! This error is caused by 3rd party extensions. While chrome's translation feature is the one we've seen a few times, it's possible that it's not the only one, so we don't have a definitive list of extensions that may cause this issue. There isn't currently a fix in the works, as the errors occur from changes to the DOM from the browser. We are monitoring theses errors though, so that we can understand how common they are.

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Thank you, I'll investigate on my side which extension or behavior could be causing this issue to my user, and post it in here in case I find it.

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Thank you!