Facing issue on accessing retool with dns using self hosted deployment on EC2

Hi all,

I have deployed retool on EC2 and i am trying to access it via DNS which is mapped with ALB so i have created target group with and add a listener rule in my ALB with the dns like host header: www.google.com and path : /retool./* so the domain is www.google.com/retool/. So when i am trying to access www.google.com/retool/ domain then it is showing message: {"success":false,"message":"Authentication failure. Missing access token","triggerOauth2SSOLoginAutomatically":false,"triggerSamlLoginAutomatically":false}

Sounds like you're trying to do a reverse proxy which isn't currently supported.

So @AbbeyHernandez how can i access retool with dns in my network?

Here is our EC2 Deployment Docs. Is there anything that's blocking you for using this setup?