Can i use ECS instead of EC2 for on premise deployment

Wanted to know can i use ECS instead of EC2 for on premise deployment to setup retool with my own vpc

Hey Rakeen– you can deploy Retool on ECS and Fargate quite easily. When setting up the cluster, use the retool.yaml template file located in this directory:

Feel free to email me at with any questions regarding this!


I’ve done the Fargate setup. I’ve changed the lb and security group port to 80. At this point, I’m seeing a 504 gateway error. What step am I missing? Is there some kind of mapping to translate lb port 80 to forward to tg 3000?

Issue was resolved by following the doc and ADDING an incoming rule to the security group for port 80 so the sec group allows both port 80 and 3000.

Thank you for sharing the tip rkwan!