Clipboard paste api available in custom component

I've got a custom data grid built inside a custom component and would like to paste data in it. This is now not possible since the clipboard api is not exposed. Are there any work arounds possible?
Is this a feature you would be open to supporting?

Hello @Adnan_Oner!

Interesting that clipboard copy/paste doesn't work in custom components :thinking:

We should definitely have support for that, barring it being a major engineering undertaking I should be able to make a feature request for this once I reproduce the issue.

Are you able to share your app via JSON export so I can clone it? This way I can document it for the eng team and see if I can find any workarounds!

Hey @Jack_T ,

Stepping in here for Ad. Here is a minimal, reproducible example: { "uuid": "845d81a2-53bf-11ef-bd41-0f12f587a7d4", "page": { " -

It uses our custom component. I assume you have access to that?

This is the error:

It happens when you paste somethigng in to one of the cells of the table:


Thank you for sharing the app and the screen shots!

Just heard from our eng team, they said " by default clipboard is turned off for iframes, but I imagine we could turn it on".

We just need some more info about your org, are you using the legacy or new custom components? Are they self hosted or cloud?

New custom component + cloud. Thanks!

Hello @Adnan_Oner!

After some digging by the eng team, it seems that the fix is a bit more complex than they originally thought. We have created a ticket for supporting the clipboard API inside of custom components.

I attached your thread to the ticket so any updates that come through I can let you know. Apologies for the bug, hopefully it can be fixed soon!