Bug with tool tip when trying to switch between production and staging environments within an app

Had an issue with Retool when I've been trying to switch an app from production to staging.

Retool displays a tooltip says "The staging environment is disabled because the following resource don't have a configuration: . You can configure them on...." After the words "don't have a configuration:" that message is clearly meant to list the resources that don't have a configuration. By a slow process of elimination, I found it was a slack integration that was causing the issue, so I am past the problem, just wanted to raise that there is what appears to be a bug.

Screenshot: https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/meips/ADKq_NamrwmVH-r50cuTUzBHyDgyHhlBqCFZq1cRkhgX9MYu8dxuS2_aHEdDZe9Clyzwwdv8tqW4b9gkMDGaNki4-EFlSTJvc81vn9TRoQiyL83D7Xm10Uh9o11qkxKi5w56XddPB4S5bOApJiqMYef42YYxEbmbxsNa6uPwjGGyGOhmPKqW76CVfc8lfWzuYaRVHiNxobCbc_F_r5G6WtoT4WWm2WaCjdQhXdXQd_5HYJOzGGILhSXtAYXxbLon193P26VXHiMx4XlH9rNw73OnmKra93s7FHc_MMHkxzltnfwWdfP54ba3zPo1W8QH0H_LKpqaaRU6U354=s0-d-e1-ft#https://retool-ba9e93d5caa4.intercom-attachments-3.com/i/o/996979918/a53b81d9ee90ff72857173d0/Screenshot+2024-03-20+at+10_56_48.png

Hi @readikus, welcome back to the forum! :wave:

We currently have a bug report for this issue, here is the original forum topic. This issue should be fixed by next week's release.

I'll unlist this topic to prevent duplicates. Feel free to ask any questions on the linked topic.
Thank you for your feedback! :slightly_smiling_face: