A form of README inside a folder

It would be great to be able to add a readme to a folder of apps, workflows and so on. So that we can write some documentation, some pointers to what the grouping does and where to read more about the grouping(folder) itself.

Hi @snorreentur, by design the homepage only supports apps, but you can add a Readme to any of them.

On edit mode, just click on the name of the app and add to the Readme:

As a workaround to something like a folder level Readme, we could create an app with View permissions only, and use a Text component with Markdown, to write the documentation for all the apps on that folder. Maybe we can call it "[FolderName] Readme." Alternatively we could just add a link to a Google doc or a Github repo on any of the apps.

We created a feature request for this, we'll keep you posted with any news from our devs. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for the follow up and suggestions! Sorry for late reply, went on a parental leave.

But this solves it for now.

Happy you made a feature request

You are welcome! Congratulations on your new arrival. :slightly_smiling_face: