Comments Attribute

Since this is not code per se but needs to still be read and understood over time, it would be helpful if there was a "Comments" attribute for most components, queries, transformers, etc.

In the heat of the moment I will know what I am doing when I design things but my later self and others will not have access to my current mental state. Comments would be a good thing to help explain some reasoning or why this particular query has this transformer. Especially since I cannot readily see what uses what.

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There's a "User Documentation" feature which acts like a README. Not as nice as having a notes input on each component but you could start documenting there :))

Especially since I cannot readily see what uses what.

Try the "Query Dependency" tab in the developer console: ctrl / cmd + backtick (`)

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Hey @Gregorio I'm actually building a product for Retoolers that would let you do this :grinning: I'd love to walk you through it.

If you're interested, you can book a quick chat here: Calendly - Ben Gahtan