What is the cost of a public app?

I'm very confused by public apps. If we have a Business account, and we publish an app and make it public, we can show that app on our website with an embed. Does that mean that every visitor to our website can then view the app and if so, do we get charged per load of the App for every visitor or we can show the app to an unlimited amount of users with the embed? Or does embed only work if a user is logged into Retool? And if so, what does making a public app even mean?

Hi @ddsgadget,

Nope, you won't get charged per load of the app. However you won't be able to do user authentications. If that's not essential for your app then you can publish it and embed it without a cost.

Thank you for clarifying @MiguelOrtiz
But using url parameters it would make sense to load dynamic data right?

Thanks for the reply. you should make this more obvious, because it's a great feature. There are basic lists of data, we want to make public via an embed, where we don't need auth or anything else. Just a paginated table. Using current retool tables for that is a great option.

Hey @ddsgadget,

I agree, it is a great feature. We've published several forms as well that range from client info to psychometric exams.

I'm just a fellow retooler, but I'm sure the retool team will take your feedback

Hi @LinoPino,

It would indeed! We use them as well so I can confirm it works nicely