"We’ve updated our support offering for your Retool plan" - Posting here since can't reply

Posting here since this came from noreply@retool.com. I just signed up for Retool just over a month ago on a 1 year term and paid in full for the year. I just got this email saying "Starting today, your existing plan includes support via our community forum, office hours, and Discord." and then mentions that there is no longer support@retool.com available.

Since I can't reply to this email, does that mean AFTER my contract ends, as in 10 months or so now being that when I signed up I could in fact (and have) emailed support@retool.com? Or are you saying that even though I've paid for a year, you are removing direct support from the plan early? If so, are we entitled to getting a refund then for the remainder of the year?

I also got an email a week ago about new limits to workflows, and pricing for if you exceed that as well. So two different changes to the plan within a couple of weeks even though I've already paid for a year.

Please advise.

Wow, what amazing service, thanks for having the professionalism and courtesy to actually respond to a customers question. First you send it from a noreply email, and then ignore when doing exactly as your email says... posting on your community forum for help.

We will be moving our projects to another platform, and I have just submitted a dispute with American Express for the yearly charge.

Hey @lmonroe, sorry that this post slipped through the cracks. We definitely want to handle account / plan questions in a quicker manner and would absolutely not ignore a post! We’ll follow up with you directly to confirm your email address associated with your annual plan so that we can handle your billing request for you.

We understand that the support and workflows pricing changes happened in a very short time period. Although independent of each other, it does represent a lot of change, and coming right after you purchased an annual contract may not feel great. We do believe that the new workflow changes result in a more transparent pricing model and is a result of feedback from our early customers which make it easier to scale and model your costs over time. We are definitely interested in your thoughts and can pass those onto the workflows team as well.

In regards to the support offerings, 1:1 developer support over email and Slack will now be limited to the Enterprise plan. Customers on any plan can still email us directly about account or billing related questions, and we aim to reply within 1 business day. If you’re experiencing a critical outage, that should be added to our status page, you should still email us to let us know and we will escalate these reports promptly. As you may have noticed, this change has already occurred and we aren’t grandfathering any plans. There are some more thoughts on the Community Forum and why these changes were made in this post, but also happy to directly answer any other specific questions that you have.

As mentioned above, we’ll reach out directly to handle your billing request.

i feel forum and support a little bit slow :frowning: i think retool team are working in something great for us? :slight_smile: hope that, as they are taking little time answering forum posts

Hi @agaitan026! We are still working through a bit of a backlog as we transition through the changes that Joe mentioned above :disappointed: We certainly hope to improve our response time as we catch up. I'm glad we've seen you in office hours in the meantime!

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no problem :slight_smile: thank you for keeping up

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