URL Hash params lost using App Embedding (self-host w/custom API auth)

Referencing this thread: Pass query parameter using secure embedding - #2 by joeBumbaca

I'm unable to get URL hash params to pass through using App Embedding with custom API auth because when fetching the provided embed URL, a refresh occurs which drops the hash params.

Is the parent window query method the only way to pass data to the embedded app in this scenario?


Hi @nuteq-dev :wave:

Thanks for the question.

Without knowing your exact use case and set up, I don't want to say its the only way to pass data to an embedded app, but if you need to pass data dynamically without fetching and reloading a new embed URL, then parent window queries are your best bet.

Right now, URL params are not supported with embedding Retool apps. You could try passing information through metadata, but note it can't be updated dynamically and is limited to 1KB of JSON.

When passing data between Retool apps, localStorage has been used a workaround as well.


Let us know if this information is helpful. If you have a specific use case and can share any screenshots or video recordings, please do. We'd be happy to continue this conversation and get you back to building. :computer:

Hi Becca,

Thanks for the info. We ended up using the metadata option when fetching the embed URL. That seems to work for our use case since we don't need dynamic update capability. We are just passing some initialization parameters when generating the embed URL.

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