Embedded App: URL Params for Public Apps

I have read through a number of community threads relating to urlparams for embedded apps, but I'm struggling to find examples relating to public apps embedded in an iFrame.

The aim of the app is to display a QR code that contains the data held in certain url parameters of the parent page that displays the iFrame/embedded app.

From everything I have read so far, I'm fairly sure it just isn't possible .. but thought I'd ask directly just in case I'm missing something obvious.

Many thanks!


Hey @sewsewsimon! Welcome back to the community. :slightly_smiling_face:

You're correct that the urlparams object won't inherently read data from the parent window. It is, however, possible for the embedded app to read information from the parent via a ParentWindow query:

Unless you're embedding with the react-retool package, you'll only be able to select and read from elements on the parent page using CSS. You can read more about this functionality here.

I hope that helps!