Unable to login to self hosted retool

Hi ,

I am unable to sign in to self hosted retool for the first time. It goes to the next scree after entering user name and password and comes back to the login page.


Hi Vivek,

To clarify, is this your first time logging in after deploying your self-hosted instance?

Have you first signed up prior to attempting to log in?

Let me know!


Hi Evan,
Thanks for the quick response.
Yes , this is the first time logging in .Did signup before trying to sign in.


Thanks for that!

Could you send me a screenshot of your browser dev tools after attempting to login showing me the console and network tab?

To clarify a bit further, had you signed up on the newly deployed instance or had you signed up on cloud prior to deploying?

Signed up on the current deployment.

I guess previous one was not in full.

Thank you!

Could you please also send me the console tab?

Also, could you send me your backend api logs?

Will be sending the logs in a bit, meanwhile if this helps.


{"level":"info","message":"controller:users:signup planKey=null","pid":59,"requestId":"d01c50e2-34af-4f01-8a6c-eab5828c102e","timestamp":"2024-03-27T10:07:55.155Z"}

{"level":"info","message":"HIBP compromised password found during signup for user with email vivekanand@karboncard.com with no org ","pid":59,"requestId":"d01c50e2-34af-4f01-8a6c-eab5828c102e","timestamp":"2024-03-27T10:07:55.551Z"}

(node:59) [DEP0106] DeprecationWarning: crypto.createCipher is deprecated.

{"eventType":"USER_CREATE","level":"info","message":"[RetoolEvents][queueWorkflowsForRetoolEvent] Beginning workflows for retool-event","organizationId":1,"pid":59,"requestId":"d01c50e2-34af-4f01-8a6c-eab5828c102e","timestamp":"2024-03-27T10:07:57.067Z"}

{"eventType":"USER_CREATE","level":"info","message":"[RetoolEvents][queueWorkflowsForRetoolEvent] Retrieved 0 workflows for retool-event","numWorkflows":0,"organizationId":1,"pid":59,"requestId":"d01c50e2-34af-4f01-8a6c-eab5828c102e","timestamp":"2024-03-27T10:07:57.069Z"}

{"eventType":"USER_CREATE","level":"info","message":"[RetoolEvents][queueWorkflowsForRetoolEvent] Finished workflows for retool-event","organizationId":1,"pid":59,"requestId":"d01c50e2-34af-4f01-8a6c-eab5828c102e","timestamp":"2024-03-27T10:07:57.070Z"}

{"level":"info","message":"Creating RetoolDB for all environments..","organizationId":1,"pid":59,"requestId":"d01c50e2-34af-4f01-8a6c-eab5828c102e","timestamp":"2024-03-27T10:07:57.172Z","userId":1}

{"level":"info","message":"[Grid][dbconnector][clusterQuery] client opened\n\n","pid":59,"requestId":"d01c50e2-34af-4f01-8a6c-eab5828c102e","timestamp":"2024-03-27T10:07:57.337Z"}

{"level":"info","message":"[Grid][dbconnector][clusterQuery] client opened\n\n","pid":90,"requestId":"d01c50e2-34af-4f01-8a6c-eab5828c102e","timestamp":"2024-03-27T10:07:57.682Z"}

{"level":"info","message":"Created RetoolDB for all environments..","organizationId":1,"pid":59,"requestId":"d01c50e2-34af-4f01-8a6c-eab5828c102e","timestamp":"2024-03-27T10:07:57.766Z","userId":1}
















{"level":"info","message":"HIBP compromised password found during login for user with email vivekanand@karboncard.com in org null with ID 1 and planID null ","pid":59,"requestId":"76919882-06f3-4fbf-a26c-b07a3fb08f6c","timestamp":"2024-03-27T10:08:13.297Z"}












Please find the logs and also the version is '3.33.15-stable' also tried with 16

Hello, I'm observing this same issue with version 3.30.13 and version 3.39.0-edge. This is a fresh local installation and I have set up a separate external Postgres database. When I navigate to, I enter my username and password, then am navigated briefly to a view that says "Please tell us about yourself" with a name input field, then the browser immediately navigates back to the page before I can enter anything. I've tried deleting the organization and user records that are created, but the issue happens repeatedly.

Hey @jmikem - Can you try setting COOKIE_INSECURE=true in your deployment? That's required to log into a Retool instance over http. Else I think you can reference localhost instead of as the host to get around that.

Hi @jmann, thank you! That did resolve it, I had overlooked that the line was commented out in the docker.env file. Much appreciated!

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Hi @jmann ,

Thank you. It's working.

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