Login error "User is part of multiple organizations"

We recently purchased a Business license for self-hosted Retool (using version 3.33.4-stable), and after inviting some users and performing some of our initial setup, I am no longer able to login with my own account. It was working previously and other users are able to login.

When I attempt to login, I get an error message that says "User is part of multiple organizations". I believe this is the same issue as Unable to login to self hosted retool - #14 by Vivekanand_K.

It is extremely likely that I accidentally went through the sign-up form more than once with the same email address. I was creating users for an internal demo and switching accounts and probably entered my credentials in the wrong form.

I read through the other post, and took a look at the users and organizations tables in our database. I see three users all with the same email address (mine) in the users table, and there are three organizations that all have the same name, which is again, my email address.

I have asked a different admin to disable the self-registration feature to hopefully prevent someone else from making the same mistake.

Could someone from Retool provide some guidance on how to fix our data and restore access? I have database access and am comfortable running scripts if that is an option.

The above link to the related post was the wrong one. Sorry about that. This is the other multiple organizations post that is related Login to self Hosted - #21 by Vaishnavi_Karale

Hey @nick.durcholz! You would just need to delete the (2) extra rows in the organizations table. Assuming that all other users are only assigned to the organization with id of 1, removing the orgs with ids of 2 and 3 should work.

You can then delete the rows with your extra users as well, targeting the users whose organizationID is set to the previously deleted orgs. I'm assuming 2 and 3 here, but worth double checking first.

Let me know if you have any other questions!