Unable to dynamically generate a vector in Retool using an import from the AWS Bedrock Knowledge Base

Goal : to create multiple retool chatbots connected to multiple databases, dynamically, based on the value of a dropdown


  1. Checked Retool Vectors
  2. Checked Retool AI
    But didn't find any option of dynamically creating retool vectors

Details :
Can't find that option here to create vectors from amazon knowledge base

This is the only option right now, to go in and manually create it.

I mean, I can select it but to create the actual vector, manual process will be required.

Can someone please help here?

Hello @Abhay_Saini1!

Thank you for outlining the issue and providing screenshots, unfortunately this is a feature that has been requested that our team is still working on.

I can add your +1 to the feature request and keep you updated on any news I hear from our AI eng team. For now, vectors must be manually created.