Tutorial broken?


Seeing the same issue that @dlieberman.xometry.com was.

onboarding_db and onboarding_api are both accessible, but the tutorial does not proceed after entering the correct query into the editor, or even clicking the "Do it for me!" button and running the query.

Hi @ekatynski! Thanks for reaching out.

Can you chat us or email us at support@retool.com so that we can help sort this out for you? Thanks!


I am facing the same issue. Can't pass this step. Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom

Hi @Vikas_Ojha

Thanks for reaching out! This is a bug :disappointed: I should be able to resolve it by creating a new onboarding resource for you. Are you ok with me logging in to your account to do so?

Hi @Tess
yes, please do that

Hi @Vikas_Ojha Thanks -- Can you try using this resource that I just created:

I have the same problem. There is no "onboarding_db" option in the resources.

Hi @welflqf Can you share your Retool org url?

I am also doing the tutorial/onboarding, but when I'm at the stage that I have to fill in this:
Select * from users order by id;

When I look at the table, it's not showing the data from the resource, but it keeps saying:
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘headers’)

Hi @Koopman I'm sorry to hear that is happening! :thinking: Any chance I can log in to your account to take a look? I just need confirmation from you that it's ok & then I can log in. If not, no worries, I can try to reproduce this internally

Sure, no problem. You can login!

Hi @Koopman

Thanks. I'm not sure how the tutorial got into this state :thinking: But the table data field has the wrong value. If you look at query1 in the left panel, you can see what properties are returned. You'll just need to remove .metadata.headers from the table's data field (so it will just be {{table1.data}})

Hi Retool team,
I am not able to access onboarding_db resource. Can you please add it under my org? Domain name is amrutat90

Hi @amruta_t The onboarding_db resource was deprecated in favor of Retool Database :slightly_smiling_face: Does using Retool Database work for you? What is your use case?

Hi Tess, I am interviewing at Retool and I was given an assignment where I was asked to use the onboarding_db. I am unaware of the schema and the table this DB has but my assignment depends on it. Is there any way to get access to a similar db that I can use?

Hi @amruta_t, Thanks for letting me know! :blush: I'm looking into this internally & will follow up asap

@amruta_t thanks for your patience! This is good feedback, as we'll want to update our assignment for our interview process to use Retool Database instead of onboarding_db.

If you're still actively working on an assignment, you can use the sample onboarding data we've uploaded here as a temporary fix. See our docs here for uploading csv data to Retool Database.

Going forward, spinning up a new RetoolDB table as a resource is the smoothest way to start building a Retool app!