"triggerSlackWebhook: Unauthorized, no app access" error in Slack notification workflow

Hi all,

As the title says, I'm trying to set up a Slack notification workflow every time a new form is submitted in my Retool dashboard. This is a public form that I will be sharing with users outside of my Retool workspace.

When I test the workflow in Workflow Builder and as a Resource query, the Slack notification fires find. However, when I try to trigger the Notification via submitting the public form (a Retool Form with a resource query), I'm getting this error:

"triggerSlackWebhook: Unauthorized, no app access"

It looks like an auth-related issue, but I cannot find any mentions here or in docs about how to resolve this issue. For context, the workflow is setup as a resource query that is triggered onSuccess by the formSubmit resource query. Any ideas?

Hey @wirrie! Tested this out myself and this should be doable. Are you getting that error in the Workflow itself, or in the app when the form is submitted? Can you share how you are triggering the workflow after form submission? Also, can you confirm that the resource has the "Share credentials between users' checkbox checked? Thanks!