Text field/area: Escape any changes and not trigger Event blur

User want to leave the field without updating the data.

I have some text-fields and text-areas
each field has an Event handler:

Some times users start typing in the text box and see that it is the wrong box and want do escape / cancel the changes done in the text box without trigger the update.

Pup-up box to accept changes is not a option.

Is there a way to add something?

Example if user press "Esc" on the keyboard it trigger "get_data" query to refresh data.


Hello @Thore, to be able to help with this more details are needed.
In what conditions does the user want to save or not save the data?
There must be a noticeable difference. You can either change the event from blur to submit and have users press enter to submit the text or maybe set up a flag and only run the blur event when flag.value is true.

Hi @GuilhermeSilva

I think this is solved, after testing today I see that user can use Ctrl+Z to return to the original comment in the box.

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