Table has record checked when application starts

In Retool, I'm facing an issue where, upon opening the site, a multi-select table automatically has the first record checked. I'd like to ensure that when the application starts, no records are pre-selected. If anyone knows how to address it, it would be greatly appreciated.

Welcome to the forum!
Do you have any default value set for that field?
Screen shot?


As I can see in table details the only setted value is query result.

You may have the default row selected

Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 11.39.16 AM

I saw that features in previous retool version. Im using now 3.14.5 and Interaction has these features. Do you know hoy to get in that in this version?

Are you on self hosted?

I am on cloud -

Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 12.03.48 PM

Yes, I connect to a environment that has this version (Migrated couple weeks ago from a previous version, so maybe tables need to be created again, just sayin)

This may be a self hosted issue that I won't be able to help resolve...

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Hi @mpugaf

Your screenshot looks like the legacy table, which has different Interaction settings than the new table (as shown in Scott's screenshot)

The default row selection setting for the legacy table is under Interaction->Advanced toggle: