Table filter not responsive

Is this a bug or is there a way to get the .table-filters modal to fit on a small screen?

Ah, this definitely looks like a bug, thank you for calling this out! I’ll reproduce this on my end and file a bug report :slightly_smiling_face:

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This should be fixed in our next Cloud release! (which is usually ~1/week, the exact date depends on the actual PRs going live)

Thank you again for taking the time to report this! Much appreciated :pray:

Hi. Is this fixed? I'm still seeing the same behaviour on mobile

Hi @suroor! This should have actually been fixed for Desktop apps viewed on a Mobile layout (separate from our Mobile apps product). Would you mind sharing screenshots of what you're running into? :slight_smile:

I enabled the "show on mobile" checkbox from the appearance config


Thank you for those screenshots! We still haven't been able to reproduce this issue, but still looking into it. Thank you for your patience here. What device, browser and OS are you using?