so i am trying to have two pages: list view and grid view. despite being separate pages, i get an error saying components from list page conflict with the component from grid page i am trying to add to mobile.
here is desktop grid page with listView inside of splitPaneFrame:
i think since they are separate pages, each with their own mobile layout, the error is a bug since components from other pages shouldn't exist and therefore can't conflict.
I am also receiving this error. Even after I hide a component and move it well away from the component I am trying to add to the mobile layout, I still get the error.
It would be VERY helpful to have components added to the mobile layout by default.
hey @Sam_S thanks for sharing, it's frustrating for sure. even if at the very least the behavior just forced components and broke the layout, it would be better than just getting a refusal message!
what i found as another workaround is to start an app in mobile first, then enable for desktop on a per-component basis. it's not necessarily pleasant but i found it produced less errors then going desktop->mobile