Table action button events are not removed when removing action


I've experimented with the actions in the new table component and noticed that when I removed the action button, the events associated with that button are still saved in the component state and get triggered when interacting with the table.
If resources or whatever the events reference change this leads to loads of errors in the debug console.
Did I miss anything or is the only way to resolve this to create a new table component?


Hi @alexdanylyschyn, welcome to the forum! :wave:
Our Engineering Team is aware and currently looking into this issue. However, although the events persist in the "State", they should not be triggered after they are removed. Could you send a screenshot or a screen recording showing how they are still running after they have been removed? I wonder if there may be an "Event handler" still attached to our table.

Check this property:

Thank you in advance!

Hi @Paulo
I've just checked the App having that issue again and also tried building a separate App to replicate the issue, but I can't reproduce it anymore.
Maybe something changed in the table component or it was a caching issue.
As you said the event is still set in the state, but it doesn't seem to get triggered anymore.

Maybe I should have recorded it right away :slight_smile:

Happy to hear the issue is not happening anymore!

The following issue:

  • The events persist on the "State" of the "Table" component after they are removed using the inspector.

Has been fixed on the latest Cloud release: 3.34.0. :tada:

@alexdanylyschyn, we should be able to see the changes in real time now!