Goal: Tab order (when user press tab key he wants go to the next input) of form inputs in a modal inside a module must respects visual order.
Steps: I have a multipage app with two pages, the pages must share a form inside a modal. To not duplicate the logic, i put the modal with the form inside a module. The form has many inputs and the tab order (when user press tab) must respects the visual order of inputs in the form.
Details: There is a bug on this configuration, the tab order doesn't respects the visual order of the inputs.
Screenshots: https://www.loom.com/share/c000af7b67ac44749dee247bec9321d0
App json export: I am a new user (cant upload files). I will try later to upload the files.
Tab order of inputs bug app.json (39.3 KB)
Tab order of inputs bug form module.json (31.5 KB)
I am uploading the jsons app exports to replicate the problem.
Hi @Marco_Aurelio_Prado, welcome to the forum!
The order in which pressing "Tab" navigates between inputs follows the sequence in which the inputs were created (added to the form), rather than their visual placement on the screen. We may need to create a new form and add each input in the order we would like them to be filled.